
Saturday 4 October 2014


Hello Everyone!, hope your well! and yes i know it has been  ages! since i have wrote a post up but im here now to spread  alittle positivity! This post is on making a change in your life if you feel like your not getting anywhere and something needs too be improved or removed in order for you too succeed in  your goals! ( all opinions are just for helping do not by any means take it personally but if you feel like you can agree with it and think this was a helpful post ... GREAT!) ... moving on.

1. Never loose hope...
Us as humans have a fear of change and make the brain too believe there is no way we will succeed at times! Yes it wont be easy  and you may need too work hard in order too achieve that goal sometimes , you may even feel like your trying so hard but not  getting anywhere... believe me.. every little step we take... we just get closer and closer to our goals!. There will be no  lamp that we can rub and a genie will pop out and give us 3 wishes and POOF! goals achieved... sometimes us having the hope, motivation, determination too get too our goals is enough! ...don't let today's sorrow, hard work and sweat , blur the vision for tomorrow, you reap what you sow! Also us knowing how hard we have worked for us too get too our goals .. the feeling is just so much  more appreciating!

2.  Start today..
If your wanting too achieve your goal, it will not happen if your sitting there day dreaming about it! live your dreams in reality! Get up and make a move even if its the smallest thing , we all need a starting point, be strong enough too believe in yourself that you can do it and it will happen! if your idea is crazy than others say it! you never know out off the majority a minority of people may actually agree with your idea! its better than being shy in a nutshell, missing all the opportunities! Be brave be stupid be real!

 3. Your not a tree!..
Right too my fellow trees reading this.... just kidding!
If you feel like there is something that needs changing in order for you too achieve your goal, change your positioning ... yes do not change that thing... just position, alter it alittle so it doesn't stop you getting to where you want too! Trees stay in one place do not move, they take all the bad and good weather thrown at them.. they stand tall.. yes... but would you want too take all the bad stuff thrown at you and good but while you were standing all that and  helping the branches grow ( people) too blossom and reach their goals ...but never move forward from your place never reach your goals cause you were too busy helping others all the time... be selfish at times just for your well being  ... would you still want too be stuck there?.....

4. Be positive..
Even in the difficult situations.. no matter how hard it is... try to remain positive because if your positive it'll bring all the energy you may not even think you have and that positivity will reflect of you on to your hard work and help you see the key too your goal! the minute you think negatively and give up ... that light is off as-well ...that key too your goals will not be seen as its covered in all that negativity! do not let anything or anyone make you feel negative they are obstacles between you and your goal be a Olympian and jump over them ..  keep your flash light on ....find your key... jump those hurdles.. they are temporary..

5. Atmosphere .....
People you surround yourself with... your environment... your behaviour... tutors... family...they all count in your atmosphere ... you decide whose
positive vibes you want in your life, ask yourself not whether they will help but are they willing too give you a supporting hand? ... motivation too get too your goal... will comments effect the way you see your goal?... The more you choose your atmosphere like a pick and mix .. whatever you add to your cup is your choice!... make it a good cup!

6. Keep smiling!..
Keep your self esteem and self image high! it wont be easy but deal with every little thing with a smile! cause all the hard work will be worth it at the end! plus smiling is priceless

Hope you enjoyed this post! and helps you in any way possible or just in general liked reading it!
Neha x

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