
Sunday 12 October 2014

Dont be insecure be happy

Hey there you! so today's topic is about making your insecurities your strength and how the media plays a part in making you feel horrible at times! ...

  • we all have insecurities either about our body shape, facial features etc etc.. but have you ever thought too yourself.. does anyone even care?  i dont mean that in a  rude way but just that everyone is so busy in making themselves look good or feel insecure about things they have that they don't look at what others insecurities are... get me?.. yeah? so to be honest do not try changing yourself completely or hide behind a cardboard box cause you think all eyes are on you because trust me we all are busy trying too sort our own insecurities out ... BUT!...yes there is always a but! in the story.. we occasionally have people who do try and make us feel insecure about things the smallest thing will be picked out and made into the biggest problem.. and your worst nightmare..NOW MY FRIEND never ever let anyone or anything make your  self confidence and self esteem decrease just cause someone else is finding problems with you cause they have spare time they are clearly trying too make themselves feel better about themselves by picking your weak just ignore any negative comments, the more we absorb negativity the more we will loose out on amazing opportunities  out there! there may be someone out there who looks at you and thinks the world of how you look!


you think your fat? slap yourself women! haha, i find it quiet funny how some people make  others feel horrible about their weight , like seriously?, no one has the right too tell you how you should feel about your weight or anything who are they too judge you and comment? no oneeee, unless they are positive comments take them embrace them, let them enhance your beauty if not just laugh at them cause its just pathetic too make someone else feel insecure about themselves just cause they are insecure ... not being offensive too skinny girls at all i think they are stunning but so are girls with alittle meat! we all come in different shapes and sizes it makes us unique!
your sitting there thinking " its easier said than done" well no one said too run outside naked showing off your body but don't hide either don't let people get too you don't let others make your confidence levels decrease, wear clothes that make you happy that make you feel beautiful from the inside and out! who cares what that girl you asked about how you looked in that dress said, if you like it and it makes you feel beautiful wear it and flaunt it! 

Media is always influencing us too become skinny and have perfect skin or telling us you should be like this! .... um no thankyou.. magazines that sell these amazing make up products even after all the application they have too photoshop the photo in order for it too be shown as " flawless finish" ... like im sorry but the hell whos face is that smooth? has she been using sanding paper on her face.. cause the last thing i no is that we have some blemishes, little bumps like micro tiny bumps.. slightly rough surface too the skin even after we take a photo... ever thought of that? Media is always there too tell us what perfection is .. but we all are perfect our differences make us unique and provide us with our identity! 
Magazines with celebrities with perfect body's like they just magically became like that over night 
some of them yes they work hard for it they go gym they do regular exercise etc etc but some just make you feel like if your curvy or alittle chubby you have too get rid of it cause its not excepted these days, its not what we call normal  or sexy .... let me reassure you your chubbyness is as sexy having some meat on you only means we give our man something too grip onto ;) ( trying not too sound sexual ...failing haha)
be who you are be happy in your skin dont let celebs put you off on how you look , yes use them as a motivator too make yourself healthy but not a destructor   that makes you feel low about yourself or worse self harm.

accept all your flaws as they are your biggest strengths because they are a part of you and will always be, if your with someone who makes you realise your flaws and tells you about them again and again, then they do not deserve to be in your life!, let them respect you for who you are not who they can make you into! your happiness lys in what makes you happy not what makes them happy. 

its society that makes us feel ugly, what others say should never matter cause you have too live in that skin not them.

Importantly if you wouldn't want too hear any negative comments on your looks, body shape etc then dont say it too others, put yourself in their shoes some people may have an eating disorder that you are not even aware of .couple of words  could scar someone for life , make them loose self confidence , self esteem and  all the opportunities  they have in life.

Hope you enjoyed this post! be  positive! flaunt your insecurities! they are your only weapon! let me no what you thought of this post!
IG - Nayj19

Neha x

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