
Tuesday 7 October 2014

DO's and DONT'S - Healthy Strong Long Nails!

Hello amazing people! thankyou for your response too my last post! Nearly going too hit 1000 views! so i must be doing something right...... right? ....   continue nodding go on...haha
So moving on! Something abit for the girls  who read my blog and if your  a boy who wishes too grow your nails which isnt wrong ofcourse not ...... just kidding! If you would like too learn about tips and tricks on how i grow my nails keep them healthy, strong, and long continue reading this post!

1. A healthy diet-DO
You are probably sitting there thinking i eat pretty healthy they still dont grow.. well my lovelies answer is that you need to give it time alot of time! the nutritions and vitamins packed into all this greenery will help make those nails strong and provide it with all that in order for them too grow fast, trust me the more you eat, the faster the development of the nail! and in no time those nails will sprout out! if you dont want too only eat  vegetables just add some too your diet plan,and as a  snack rather than preserved, sweetened, artificial flavoured  sweets etc , try to eat fruits that are full of natural flavours! A couple of things i like making at home and eating are listed below-
-  smoothies 
- Bowl of fruit with flavoured yoghurt
- banana split - ( it involves a banana so its still kinda healthy i guess)
-  frozen yoghurt  pops
- cinnamon baked apple crisps 
-   chopped frozen strawberries - ( leave them out for a while cause they will be rock hard if you dont .. do not blame me if you loose a tooth if you miss the taking out the fridge for a while bit ... hahaha.)

2. Water water water -DO
You must have got the idea through the sub title repeated 3 times lol, have 8 good glasses of water per day! not only will you stay hydrated it will help your nails grow healthier water is the key too health and body development  (nails in this sense) not all of you will actually go and start drinking 8 glasses of water a day just cause a blog has told you too i wouldn't either but! take it into consideration thats all... use water as a dinner table alternative too fizzy drinks, carry a water bottle around with you when your out so itll save you from spending any money on a drink and by the time you no it youve drank enough throughout the day in small quantities. Plus is it me or do fizzy drinks not quench thirst... and water does.... hydrate my friends! help those nails grow!

3. Close that mouth ya filthy! - DONT!
Now my fellow  nail nibblers! If you want those nails too grow do not bite your nails! i no its hard and your probably use too it but its not helping your diet, your stomach, your nails and yourself! Nail biting can lead the  nail plate ( top of the nail) too be damaged and uneven meaning no growth at all! also just think where your hands have been throughout the day all the filth build up under your nails could lead too a upset stomach ... now honestly speaking iv never bit my nails so i cannot recommend any solutions, i could easily go on the internet and find what is good and say this is an amazing product  bla bla bla but if it didn't work i would feel horrible so do some independent research on any recommendations from your friends or family who have found a good product that helps you not bite your nails ( before using the treatment file your nails evenly so they grow in shape).

Diagram of the nail and where is what
My nail routine How i take care of my  nails besides all of the above-

1.  I remove my nail varnish with a good nail varnish remover you get some which are fragrance and non fragrance i use the non fragrance i personally think they are much better when put into action but if you find a fragrance one which works wonders use that one, and  you may think there is no particular way of removing nail varnish.. but .. there is! i remove my nail varnish by either of these two:
-  start at the cuticle ( use diagram above)  and move away from the nail in small circular motions so it removes it from the edges leaving no varnish on the nail ( do not use rough circular motions it can easily damage the nail plate you just wont no it till it starts chipping
- start at the cuticle with alot of product on the cotton then push against the cotton and pull it away from the nail till the end then start again at the cuticle and move away from the nail keep doing this till the varnish comes off this way your removing the varnish in a straight motion it will help keep the nail plate non damaged.

2.  I couldnt find a single picture of the dead sea mineral oil but the bottle in the middle of the picture , this is not the exact one i use but depending on which one you would like too purchase there are varieties and all work the same from my knowledge as dead sea mineral is dead sea mineral how accurate can you get haha 
- i put a dot of this on cuticle of my nails on one hand first then i use a nail buffer which you can get from any drug store! so i work my way around the buffer sectioned ( i file anywhere needed before i use the dead sea mineral oil ) my buffer again is different too the one on the picture .. well looks different, but works the same way 

use the smooth  ridge first and hold your hand towards you like a claw and buff starting from the cuticle too the end so towards you!( do not scrub side to side this will damage the nail plate! ) this will make the nail plate smooth, smoothing any rough parts on the nail plate
once you have done this too all the nails 
use the third ridge the buffing part where the nail plate will get shiny like a magical extra layer it makes it glossy 
then finally use the fourth ridge that is like a final coat closing the smoothing and buffing layers 
throughout the buffing always use the same technique start at the cuticle to the end of the nail. 

3. Once ive done this i let it settle for a couple of seconds and then apply a
coat of mineral fix base coat from Avon, i got it as a gift but it has worked 
wonders and havent stopped using it since! you can also use a normal clear base coat
but this mineral fix gives the nails minerals of course aswell as making them hard 
and strong so they do not chip,i highly recommend this product as a base and top coat so it hold in  whichever colour you use as your main colour as a lock varnish locking in the 
mineral fix soaking into the nail 
the nail varnish itself 
and finally closing it with a perfect gloss!

close up of my real nails 
So i hope this post helps  all you lovely ladies who read my blog! let me no if it has worked for you and if you do purchase this product let me no if you liked it or not! Comment! thankyou for reading! 
Neha x
IG- Nayj19  

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