
Saturday 14 May 2016

Trying to get a degree!!! - First year of University- DMU edition

 "How does it feel like being a student? " " How does it feel like living out?" " Whats the perfect first year accommodation?"  "How do you balance getting carried away with having TOO much fun and studies?" ... these are just examples of the messages i get sent to me about university life!, therefore i thought to myself.. " Neha, you need to write a blogpost on your first year experience as a student haha!"  so here  it is! keep reading to know everything you need to know about my first year of university experience!..  

Beginning with what university i go to.. then i can proudly say i go to De montfort University!.. Proudly? you ask why well from the very beginning of my A levels i had my eye on the Health studies course  ( yes thats my course) never thinking i would get in due to medical issues which alot of you may be aware of ( if not go to some of my previous blogs and have a nosy snoop around!)  moving onto the experiences summarized answering hopefully alot of your questions!

Accommodation choice

I lived in a place called Liberty Park, for a first year accommodation i would say it was perfect for my needs as i wanted a decent price that had everything included inside such as, bills and my own little women cave?.. is that whats its called? haha. it has an en-suite which was small however i didnt complain! im not as fussy however if you want something  big and want the best of everything ..all ill say is... you wont get it not as a student in student halls! i know its sad but sad reality! ... moving on!! it was far from all the noise   the only time we would hear people screaming is when there was a football match as the King Power stadium is opposite the accommodation! neat right?! but it was the best feeling seeing so many people together celebrating! its worth the noise sometimes.. Liberty park was 10 minutes away from the main campus and library ..may not seem much of a deal but believe me when you have early starts you need all the sleep as possible knowing you do NOT! need to wake up early and walk it miles! .. bedrooms have EXTREMLY COMFORTABLE DOUBLE BEDS!  that deserved cap locks because i could not get out of my bed because it was that comfortable... im blaming my bed if my grades come out to be low and if i miss lectures! do you think they accept that as a reason? haha,  The accommodation is close to local stores such as, LIDL and right below it has a cost cutters.. A MUST!  when your running low on your morning milk for that coffee! finally its close to a beautiful canal that is amazing to refresh the mind or to just study away! Some people may want something more private such as a studio! that has a bedroom, mini kitchen together a place called Code has all that!!  I personally think living in halls is a good idea for first year as you will make many new friends through your flat mates aswell as them and people in other flats in that accommodation!  however if you think you can cope with the living with people and can totally socialize without people despite living on your own then YOU GO GIRL OR ..BOY!! YASS! haha.



  • Everything included in the price  no worry about going over
  • Decent sized room
  •  Comfortable Double bed
  • Lovely scenery around the accommodation (Canal)
  • Decent kitchens
  • Lovely staff
  • Security is not tight on parties etc 
  • Parking  for cars and bikes
  • Local stores  below and around
  • 10 minutes away from Campus

  • Toilets sized like wet rooms alittle too small but if your not picky not that bad 
  • Windows don't open up as much letting it very less air 

Beautiful swans from the Canal posing haha.

"How it feels like being a student and how fun and studies are balanced?"
Well, i wont lie but everyone says first year is a breeze have fun don't worry too much however, i disagree! as it all depends on your course.. every courses modules are different some courses are difficult from the beginning.. so advice is don't expect it too be easy  as this is  HUGE leap from A levels to getting help to no help at all and doing EVERYTHING independently  and when i mean everything i mean everything!.  Get to know your course properly when you first come and walk  into a lecture hall ( this is the moment you do not fall asleep or day dream!) .. i bet your thinking is nay only going to ramble on about the scary parts of university or fun parts and YES i will sorry.. i just have to be honest!...  

Ive clearly had enough ^

okay so fun parts ahhh where do i start! ... Nights out duhh.... haha so night life becomes a second priority in some peoples list and ill have to say the night life in Leicester isn't bad! something for everyones music taste!  im not complaining! out is a big experience on its own  having your independence to do whatever you like without parents nagging is the best feeling no  matter how much you older lots will deny we  all need some space to find ourselves and to build a better us for tomorrow!  people learn how to manage and balance money, learn how to cook, socialize with new people! and make new friends!!  

At the nearest Canal the sounds of the birds chirping and being in greenery just helps the mind feel calm and distress 

Sometimes if  you need to get away from everything just go somewhere and put your head down, where its calm and the sight is beautiful because its easy to become demotivated especially as a first year whos scared, nervous or simply enjoying it  too much that the studies seem too overwhelming!

or use that place to just get away from the studies when you think everything is stressing you out too much... cause c'mon we all miss home.. so get a book you enjoy and a pair of shades and relax

Everything is just background noise until your on your own and realize your inner voice 

I hear books take you to another place ... 

"How do i make friends in first year, i barely know anyone im nerouse?!"
Freshers is a brilliant time to make friends say hi get to know each other, ask where they are from!  believe me everyone is on the same boat here and trust me when i say they want you too approach them because who wants to be left  in uni without friends!  SO  be your goofy self!  haha

Enjoy your first year! make new friends! learn your strengths and weaknesses! who you really are!!  If your thinking of coming to DMU dont be afraid to ask any other questions  via email or instagram

Its been an amazing year for me its went extremely fast! 
time for some family time 

time for summer!

Love     Nay x x x 

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