
Saturday 27 June 2015

My first tattoo! - in detail!

Hello summer! ... i mean hello hay fever  watery eyes  tissues and  depression that everyone else is enjoying it without hay fever and im here like dieing!... meh! i feel meh! if you have hayfever i feel your pain! moment of silence for us! haha moving on!... SO SO SO it was my 18th birthday  on the 19th and i got my first tattoo a week before  finally it has heeled up! ive been getting alot of direct messages and comments asking " why did you get it done?" " what does it mean?" " did it hurt?" " what's the after care?"  so lets get this post going!

Q1)  Does it hurt?
 It depends on your pain resistance, but it didnt hurt me at all i was sitting relaxed till it was done, only after it is done it will start burning  once it is done, it will feel like a sun burn

Q2) How it feels when getting it done?
It feels like needles pricking you but 100mph haha so you can just feel scratches that are dragged  it honestly did not feel like anything to me just something touching my skin but i guess again that depends on pain resistance

Q3) What my design means?
the first part of my tattoo is the hindu relgious symbol "om"  or " aum" both are the same thing.

You may be surprised to learn that the "Om" or "Aum" symbol actually has a very deep, significant, spiritual meaning that is very specific and yet, at the same time, so vague it's almost incomprehensible. The "Om" represents the four divine states of Brahman - metta (loving kindness), karuna (compassion), mudita (sympathetic joy), and upekkha (equanimity) So, just the sound of "Aum" is so beyond human comprehension that it boggles the mind, and then there is the symbol as well. The two curls on top of each other (that sort of look like the number 3), with the downward curl that spirals out from the "3" shape, each represent a state of consciousness. The large, bottom curl stands for the normal state of being awake, which you probably are in right now. The curl above it stands for deep sleep, while the curl emanating out from the center of the two represents the dream state. Those are the states of consciousness that every human on earth experiences. But the dot and the open curve above that is what elevates the symbol to a much higher and more sacred meaning. The dot represents absolute consciousness; that's not the same as merely being awake, but it means being fully aware of yourself and everything around you. The open curve that cradles the dot represents an infinitely open mind, which is required to achieve that level of absolute consciousness.
As you can see, it's not just a soothing chant or a pretty symbol. If you plan to place an "Om" on your body, you need to understand and embrace all that it stands for.  
so thats the first half of  my tattoo then my second part of it is  the face of ganpati bapa on the  end if you see properly youll notice the eye, tusk, trunk, ganpati bapa is a hindu god who is  worshipped by several indians and is known as the  remover of all obstacles in life, after my operation and nearly dieing of so many illnesses for the past 3 years i thought to remember that i have recovered from them this is the best tattoo. :)
Therefore my fellow readers please do not just put any random symbol on your body please learn it  study that ish! then let the man with the needle prick the hell out your skin cause that will not wash out!

Q4)   the healing process? and after care what you do after  you have got it done?
well the healing process is  as you can see the before picture thats when i got it done now your tattoo artist will wrap your tattoo in whatever i had a bandage so no  bacteria can get into the tattoo as it is a open wound keep it on for  over  2 hours then take it off and wash it with water make sure your hands are clean and use anti bacterial hand wash if you want too clean it, any ink coming out is normal as its just waste or extra ink, ALSO if any blood comes out DO NOT FREAK OUT AND CALL 999  like i nearly did  lol, it is normal as it is a open wound like c'mon you got pricked by a needle a thousand times the hell are you expecting it too just chill and take it ! no my friend haha
after a week youll  see it getting dry , and a shiny grey top coat will cover your tattoo that is the dead skin that will eventually fall out slowly,  DO NOT PICK AT YOUR TATTOO! it will take out the ink aswell so  use the cream " bepanthen"  not sudocream as it dries out your tattoo i tried it and it dried the hell out of it! use the first cream whenever you think its toooooooo dry!  
if your tattoo looks faded dw it hasnt! the second picture is alittle blurred im sorry but it looks exactly  the same as the first however it looses its shine as its  healed into your skin

im happy with my tattoo it represents me as a person and i love my religion and wouldn't change it for the world! if you have anything against tattoos then i cant change your opinion therefore you cant change me! PEACE!!
hope this helps guys! KEEP CALM AND GET INKED!
MWAH! love Nay xxx


  1. I dont like tattoos why would you wna get inked? I will get skin cancer

    1. I couldn't care about what you think lol my skin my body goodbye

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