
Friday 27 May 2016

behind the scenes

For many im a person who makes funny videos and seems up beat all the time! however its not like that away from the camera keep reading to find out more about the nay behind the scenes... 

firstly thankyou for taking the time to come and  show interest in my blog! may bhagwan ( god) bless you haha, so ive recently got diagnosed with a  new health issue again an invisible one called..  Chronic Migraine..

at the beginning i thought it was just a headache i was getting due to working too much or stressing or sleep deprivation, but  then i noticed it after a year i decided to go to the Dr and they said i had  Chronic migraine.. the feeling of having a migrane over 15 times in a month for me daily is a huge barrier to activities and socially being involved...after past illnesses ive faced i thought this was the end but this was an addition! whenever i go out in the sun the bright light instantly gives me a headache but i have to obviously do my daily chores!
 lately! ive been  able to fulfill some of my hobbies and talents id say haha to make videos and make others laugh because ive had such rough times  and i always needed someone there for me but i had no one!  The above picture explains the condition perfectly! it feels like hammers hitting my head daily, despite all the painkillers!

its sad that i have to face this but i know im not alone! 
Follow and share my videos to make others laugh! insta: itsnay19

Love Nay! 
x x x 

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