
Monday 30 March 2015

Operation 2015! my journey shared with you!

Hello to my readers!  now i promised i would do a update on my health etc so i decided why not go over my operation that i recently had and the experience! so leh go!

Now majority of you may no i have a lung condition called pneumothorax if you dont no much about it feel free to go onto my previous blog post called " its ok to not be ok" as it will help to make sense to this post cause.. you might just think " what the f*** " is nay going on about lol...moving on... i had a operation in October 2013 on my left lung and this time i got my right lung... thats a brief explanation about what i had now i shall move onto the story part of me telling you , get real deep with you as my readers lol so you feel how i felt but through words ... so lets begin i hope you enjoy reading this! :)

It was February.....valentines month love in the air season yano when you notice that every shop looks like theres been a zombie apocalypse with red every single corner you  look at ?... yeah that season lol ...

 i just got on with my everyday routine like usual... but suddenly for a week my chest started hurting alittle and gradually the pain increased, i had my hot water bottle on a daily routine than i usually do on my chest while i lay there watching tv and at night....i didnt think of it being my lungs playing up but i did realise it was on my right side and not my left which was already operated on.... thats when i was scared but i still thought ill hang on its all going to be okay! let me explain how this pain is like... this pain is indescribable ..... it makes your shoulder chest neck and arm feel numb... now when i say numb i mean when you move it pulls on your nerves all in your body and where the problem is... it feels like someone's stabbed you and left the knife there  and your unable too pull it out cause it hurts that bad.... everytime you breathe the nerves all around your chest  wall stopping you from breathing properly.... now thats how i felt....i knew something was up....

the pain gradually got worse.... day by day by one day i woke up went too the shower now guys..this is the moment i felt like my coughing which normally happens when i have a deflated lung .. got worse... i went into the shower tried my best too take my clothes off but my arm wouldnt move the pain was so bad... i coughed once ONLY once and i couldnt stop... you no when you cough so much that you hear that weird noise coming out your throat im sure you no what i mean but i heard that noise and felt its getting worse too a stage i had to sit in the bathroom ... coughing and gasping for air...i was gasping and panting wishing the coughing would stop... now when im coughing the pain is in my chest/ lungs so the pain just got worse! i was like sh**T i am screwed this is it....

i walked out the bathroom , sat on my bed and  panted and gasped for  a breath...thinking " JESUS IM GOING TO DIE" ... i didnt lol ,.. still here haha but.... i then called my mum and told her mum call 999 i cant bare the pain anymore and sat upstairs crying cause... having no way of breathing is very terrifying guys it honestly is please dont take breathing for granted your life is so  precious   .... mum came upstairs getting my paper work that she puts in a folder and ran too me like theres no tomorrow ringing up 999 and telling them " HI MY DAUGHTER CANT BREATHE GET HERE NOW" i remember them saying how does she look at the moment etc you no those silly questions but important questions they ask however mum gets nervous and panics so her exact words were " WELL SHES DIEING OF PAIN AND SHE CANT BREATHE CAN YOU TELL ME HOW SHE LOOKS?! " lol  i laughed about that all too her later ...  the pharamedics came and did their observations this includes giving me the highest dose of painkillers called " morphen"  and rushed my ass too hospital as their observations are pointless only X-rays can tell if my lung has collpased so they rushed me too the hospital with a oxygen mask on and ... i had all eyes on my on the street  ;) i like too call myself royalty... not being bigheaded..nope... lol 

reached the hospital and got bloods done, ECGs done and a x ray and found out after ages and ages and ages of waiting and questions ..that my right lung had collapsed.... now this is how a collapsed lung looks

now the thoracic  specialist came up to me and broke the news to me and i was like right so now what i got sent home too see if  it would go away cause another operation is very very tiring and risky! so i went home and came back to the hospital and it still wasnt gone... so it was clear it had to be operated on so i decided better now than never and came to a date!  my operation was 2 weeks away and i was scared as ever!

2 weeks later.. i packed my bags  and went to the hospital and got a few tests done for the doctors.. i had specialist after specialist coming and filling in forms... takes forever! i was luckily in the same ward that i was in before so i knew alot of the nurses and alot of the doctors ! i also made sure my surgeon was the same i  loved him he was greek and was amazing! so night before my operation i was nervous as ever and i could not sleep! however i got the most amazing messages from alot of you! saying good luck etc i thank you all for that courage and motivation! <3 i  still remember my best friend lila telling me how she was scared too loose me and wouldnt be able too live without me if anything happened it was thee most adorable paragraph i had ever read!   luckily im still alive too annoy her!  Also someone special too my heart who wrote me a heart warming paragraph  <3  .... i had too wake up at 6 .... i couldn't sleep
this is all i did before my operation curfew i ate like a pig!

the best dessert they had! so lush!

i woke up got ready and my mum came on time rushing like always! to be there on time for me too go into theatre.... as much as i looked happy i was nervous deep down cause you just never know what could go wrong... baring in mind i have a heart condition... so i was scared but this is how i looked... #ootd  lol

i then hopped onto the bed.. and they took me down too theatre.. and thats when my heart started pounding one step away from being under the knifes...signed a final form... and they told mum okay ready shes off and the way she hugged me and kissed me and cried ... for once i cried i couldnt handle my emotions.... the worst part of anything seeing your mother cry for its child... i gathered the courage and they took me as i looked behind and mum got smaller and smaller as i entered the anaesthetic room and they  started to put sticky stuff all over me lol... and my heart monitor etc.. and then they pumped some anasthetic into my  veins and said youll feel alittle light head ..... ALITTLE HE SAID ..... IN  A WHILE HE SAID!... i was light headed in a second ! haha and off i went into a deep sleep... and woke up in the recovery room... at first i couldnt breathe the pain was crazy!, but then i pressed my painkiller button which pumped painkillers into my veins and i felt relived! i was talking and moving all on  my own.... 

 the picture above is a on the night after my operation :) i was feeling gooood haha i couldnt stop peeing though.... the anaesthetic effects your bladder big time! i think i was awake till 4 peeing.... moving on hahaha,  i was recovering fast...  all sorts of medication was given too me 
this was me on my third day i look rough but its because i couldnt sleep alot of the nights ahah, but i put make up on changed my clothes into something comfy and was moving around alot more, sorted my hair out and that day my sister from another mother was going to come how excited i was too see my best friend she was the only one who had came too see me which shows what a bestie is!
excuse my pose there but i was actually dieing believe me she knows! this selfie was took very fast before i actually coughed my eyes out! she had too see so much that day bless her, the pipe going into my veins was hurting me so i got the nurse too take it out and she told me too press onto the tissue after she took it out and i didnt.... so blood was flowing all over my arm and hand and my bedsheets and all i can remember is lilz face like x _ x  omg she looked terrified!  I LOVE HER FOR BEING THERE EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!! <3

2 days later i  got discharged and the day of my discharge i had to take a drain that was in my chest wall so a open wound behind me it had to be taken out and stitched while i was awake and a lovely lady called maddy knew i was scared so she told me i could hold her hand and while the nurses took it out... she was lovely! gave me so much courage!... aswell as another young lady who i met called emily who was lovely too talk too while i was there! and i still stay in contact with her! 

and this my lovelies is me now 1 month after my operation were i was in agony and pain! i currently  am still recovering as it does take a while too heal but im better! and happy and positive and i feel like ive learnt alot from this experience aswell as this month overall that we only need positive people around us as itll keep us going in life...  
no one can hurt you if you have you have your love glasses on like this guinea pig!
i hope you enjoyed reading this update on my health!
add me on insta if you havent already  - Beautybyneha
love you all!
Love Nay x


  1. Glad you are doing well, I've sent you a email

  2. Get well soon neha for real

  3. You deserve all the happiness.. Continue with your blog.. Very inspiring :) will always pray for your good health beautiful
