
Monday 20 April 2015

Pyar ke side effects - the ups and downs of love

Hi how you doing handsome/beautiful?   * wink* ,  i have so many ideas of what too post but im caught up in my love life, work life, and house life, *  strong indian accent  put on * you no what i mean my friend?... lol so i thought i should do a  post all about relationships and some of the ups and downs of it , good things of being in a relationship and bad but how too manage it all!...

 DISCLAIMER! ( these are only my views  if you will find anything offence or bad, sad ,upsetting , wrong or want too really  become david cameron and start electing  against me then, this is not a post for you and your opinions as im just giving some friendly advice, yes? okay good thankyou!)
proceeding !

Super glue smile...
This is one of the best parts of being in a relationship your smiling all the time  like mr sloth look at that smile!!!, you catch yourself smiling for nothing it becomes insane!, you think of something funny and start smiling in the middle of no where like crazy person , you ask why?!  because its that inner happiness that feeling that someone makes you internally happy it reflects of your soul, there presence therefore makes you happy and you miss them! remembering all the good times and conversations make you smile! 
No matter how bad the days are , how dark the skies are, and how rough the times are you no someone is going to be there  too hold your hand say its all going to be alright im here for you ill stick by you even when times are hard cause i love you, this then puts all your stresses and worries to aside and reassures you that simply  nothing can hurt you you have an invisible bubble around you protecting you. You need to smile through hard times and have too importantly remember the reason your smiling its because of each other! 

Being your bra or boxers and  supporting you all the time...

Now your better half is there too support you through thick and thin, you need to be besides each other cause that's  the first person  you'll rely on your best mate, your future partner your bf your partner in crime!, Ma sexy ladies!, every guy needs too support you like your bra does on a daily basis for good things of course not bad, he needs too hold you together  stand besides you and say im here we will do this and we shall succeed rather than those IFS AND BUTS, cause that means your leaving your mind too think about the negatives rather than be determined that you'll make it! 
My handsome men! listen up!, girls will support your ass from day 1 they will be there through your bad times and good make sure you see that they've supported you because theyll hold your hand believe me! and if she isnt .... you might need to have a little pet talk cause  this is not one direction my friend! no one directional effort!!  We are not the boy band one direction this is two directions where effort comes from both directions... like Zayyn Malis made it ...... going off topic again... whoops ... so what im trying to say is if he is  supporting you, if she is supporting you and you are thinking positively YOU WILL MAKE IT WORK!... 

Finding  a best friend in him/her
Can you talk about everything? can you laugh about anything? do you have banter? do you mess around carelessly without being shy? THEN YOU MY FRIEND HAVE FOUND  A BEST FRIEND IN YOUR GF/BF CONGRATS! ... lol... honestly being able too behave like best friends aswell as lovers is the best part of being in a relationship  as it makes everything so effortless , you no when you have the first date or first time you meet someone and feel like you need to put all your energy and thought into what you say or do... yes.. well that is uncomfortable....and shouldn't be repeated if so then you are not meant too be!... he/ she is disqualified lol... theres no point of being in a relationship where you need to try so so hard to have a decent conversation!!!.. it is meant too flow! not drown the hell out of you while your sitting with that person... you need to be able to speak about everything too that person  and no you can trust their opinion! .... your best friend should be in your partner <3 

I see potential in her/him ...
im not saying get married too them today but you  MUST MUST MUST see potential in them too be your husband/wife .. how will they look as a mother or father too your kids etc.... this isnt rushing and do not ever think that!, this is called being wise and planning ahead so you no what steps too take!.... if you see qualities and perfection in him/her too raise your kids in a good way and see her/ him taking care of you through thick and thin, doing anything too provide for you then... your on the right track!... but if you see  your bf/gf and not see any potential are you even serious?.... flings are for children in the real world you need a real relationship that'll be something more than a bf/gf relationship .....

Protective or possessed?!!!!! bachaooo!!!!!... 
we all come too that stage where your lover says dont do this or i dont like that, some hint it out some say it directly!... now firstly over protective is not good but being alittle protective is fine its healthy!... this only means that, that person wants you too themselves and loves you alot and cares for you so whatever you are doing is either wrong or they feel like your hurting their feelings alittle by doing something .... it might even be something small that you might not even be able too point out!.. if its something that bad sort it out listen too them, if its something you have reasoning behind, make them understand the reason surely  he/she will have too understand! however dont be those psycho bf/gf where you say dont speak to her/him ever again!, delete this right now do this do that bla bla bla bla.... na they are your bf/gf not your  second dad or mother they have not adopted you! stand for your ground if you have a good reason but dont hurt their feelings directly!..... 

I dont think i change my clothes as often as he/she changes their behaviour....
now at first we all have lovey dovey, romantic  i want too impress you convos and it eventually dies down...  because you   become comfortable with them enough as you dont see the need to say all that so you become alittle dead  with them chilled out more.... which is good comfortable with that special someone is always good you dont always want too be a clingy maniac gf/bf who is always lovey dovey thats annoying!.... but dont forget within you changing your behaviour it might just not be healthy aswell.... it could die down the spark you have... you might hurt the person your with  as you have initially changed... keep a good balance of romantic, funny, chilled .. relationships are about consistency... the lovey gestures and small things that you do or your  bf/gf does for you ..... plan a surpise make them happy that you put in the effort too say look i love you and i no i dont show it all the time but when i do i make sure i do it grandly.... never forget your spark!....its what enlightened you both together!....

Schedules listed longer than pinnochios nose!....
We all have busy lives  however do not even lie to yourself saying that you are busy 24/7 and cannot make time for your bf/gf....even an hour or 2... reallllllyyyyyyy.... relationships are all about compromise, adjustments, organisations! in this tight schedule we may be forgetting alittle time to ourselves and someone we love... it makes you feel better and them... so why not kill 2 birds with one stone? ( its an old saying) ... doing 2 things chilling having some chill time and being with them TASK COMPLETED!  your both happy! want that person in your life?! make time for them! or youll see them fading away faster than you can blink ....

The gentleman OATH!....
What is this oath ladies and gents?!... i will pay from now on! ... * strong indian accent put on again*  well then pleej pay for my bills and when i use my phone when im around you... everythang! lol....  guys us ladies love this it is an extremely mature and a  gentleman move too make however once your alittle more into the relationship and feel comfortable enough... i think us ladies can chip in and pay now and then it makes us feel good! honestly! ... and ladies if you get your man too pay for everything all the time.. give him alittle break show courtesy and  say you would like to chip in!... it should work both ways share the cost if you pay for transport too see him then he pays for dinner , if he pays for dinner you can pay for another thing you might do i dont no just balance it! be fair too each other  he isnt a ATM machine! hes a man  a HUMAN flex and share!...and both stay smiley that you did something for each other...

Hold her/ his hand and be proud too call him/her yours!....
Never ever be ashamed to call your bf/gf yours infront of anyone ... if your not telling them the truth are you ashamed?.... is there an issue?.... you have chosen this person for a reason right?... you decide to be with them?... love them , share time with them, kiss them, hug them but are ashamed of calling them yours?... hmmm dont make that mistake... no one likes that sort of behaviour! it will always be shown negatively... be proud of them! and be proud they make you a better person!...

being involved alittle...
Get involved with things that are close too him/her this can mean, friends make a friendly conversation with them if you are all together do not make it awkward for them and him/her ... start with literally anything! studies , hobbies, interests, culture  anything!.... itll make your bf/gf feel so happy that your  making an effort too accept something that is a part of them! get involved with their hobbies accept and embrace their hobbies like your own show them you'll be there every step of the way and that you wont leave them behind! be involved with family when your at that stage make friendly conversations with his/her parents, siblings, cousins! let them no what sort of a person you are ( in a good way dont go cussing infront of them lol) ... embrace their environment! 

My eyes are always on you!...
Trust is so important trust the person your with dont go snooping around  blending in with the enviroment too keep  a eye on him/her , if he/she loves you they wont do anything to break your trust!.. dont  ask for passwords for social media! that should be natural!...if they give it too you take it as a gift of trust that they trust you with seeing their messages and have nothing to hide its a form of respect! and you earned it!... cause girl you eeee ee eee earned it! yeahhh yeaah!! lol ( cant not  reference that song if i said that)...

Past present and future....
accept each others past! its gone its made the person you see now in the present and you love them and thats all that matters!.. dont dig old graves cause everything is dead D.E.A.D my friend!!!!... create your future with that person make them realise that your past is accepted and thrown behind them and now you will paint your future! as its all in both of your hands!... 

lastly love like there's no  tomorrow ..simple...

Hope you enjoyed this post guys!
till next time!
Love Nay xxx 

1 comment:

  1. Hey neha you are the love guru! You should be the agony aunt for young people for local newspaper lol from mishfak
