
Friday 2 January 2015

Happy New Year! + how to be a positive person this year!

Hello my lovely reading this...... DAMN is it 2015 ALREADY?!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!! and hope you all had a good Christmas!.... so where did  i disappear  for ages? well something happened... A LEVEL PRESSURE HAPPENED. never ending coursework happened and the nightmare is not ending! final year of A levels is a killllerrrr!.....MOVING ON....  todays post will be short and simple  about ways too just be happy in this new year! ( if you do not like people ranting on about how you can be a positive human being and ways too avoid negativity please leave this post as this is one of them posts thankyou!!! )

Make this new year full of positivity anyone bringing you down? get rid of them they are not worth your time and energy!, If you let people be in you life who bring you down every step of the way there is no way you'll be able too have a happy mindset cause you'll be stressing about them more! the  more positive people you have around you the more you'll be motivated into doing well!


set yourself some goals big or small or maybe just alot of small ones that add up too achieve your big goal!, it'll keep you motivated busy and something too look forward too! everything has its rewards! it could be... getting fit and hitting the gym! doing something for a loved one! educational goals if your applying for uni this year then getting your grades too go uni! working hard too get your first preference! ANYTHING just have something too help you strive too do well!
you reap what you sow!


Be happy 24/7 is easily said than done i no that but remember that being sad or upset and down will not help the situation or yourself! so just be positive and face  the difficulty and problem fight it off like a warrior! we will go through a crazy roller coaster cause thats what life is full of its ups and downs there is never a straight path too our goals never a perfect way of living with only happiness but if we didnt have those downs we would never appreciate the ups ..and what really makes us happy!   example... if we ate a bad apple and we hated the taste of it then we ate a good apple and loved it .. we would have never appreciated that good apple if we never knew how the bad tasted ! 


Appreciate every little thing you get whether it be expensive or cheap  small or big , whether it be a person in your life  anything and everything appreciate it! if we put in the effort for someone or something surely someone else must be doing the same for you too see a single smile on your face and visa versa enjoy every moment you have! ...... LIVE LIKE THERE IS NO TOMORROW.

thats all for this post my angels hope you have had or having a good day! 
till my next blog dont worry happy!

Neha x


  1. cute blog!!!
    Love these tips, wish you a happy new year :)

    Aliya x

    1. Thankyou happy new year to you too x:)
