
Monday 26 January 2015

5 of my intense workout tips and tricks! - TONING!

Toning not moaning!

Hello dear readers! how are you? hope your doing well! so lately i have been receiving such amazing comments privately and on comments and alot of my beautiful ladies are asking beauty questions aswell as fitness , asking  what workouts i do and what workouts you can try out from my workout that will help! so i thought why not do a toning fitness post on some workouts i do in the comforts of my own home! lets get too it!! ( P.S i am not a professional coach or anything i haven't done any diploma or studied fitness so if your  pro and your reading this  then im sorry if any of it is wrong but it  surely works for me! thankyou haha  awkward  part over )


As you can see my soni ( beautiful) animated  girl is doing a glute bridge some people may know this by hip thrusts. 

30 Reps 

tips and tricks of this is:
  • Clench your  butt  and tense your belly when lifting your butt up then let it loose when you get down and hit the floor ( gently going down  do not  end up bruising your butt lol ) this will help  toning your butt aswell as your stomach if you dont like squats much as it does increase your thighs ( just saying!!! ) overall it helps with the butt shaping and stomach toning itself as the tensing of the muscles help kind of sending a message to your belly too tone i guess muscles stiffen and realise helping you reach your aim of loosing the excess fat 
  • i tend too leave my hand behind my head and tense my arms which naturally happens when lifting your body weight up and down ,as this helps with strengthening  your biceps and triceps 
  • look up not down as you may get a double chin and look incredibly unsexy  lol joking just do not do that as it could result in bad neck injury or soreness after 


 no i dont mean crunch as in crunching on what your eating PUT THAT CRISP PACKET DOWN THIS ISNT CHEAT DAY!  -

30 reps

tips and tricks for this:

  • tighten those abs when lifting your chest up and if you can tell someone in your family too give a helping hand too keep those legs down too help the crunch even more 
  • you can make this alittle less boring by doing 2 normal crunches then  moving your hand too the opposite side while crunching like this picture shows  below too sass things up abit!!! 
  • do not eat a huge meal before as itll hurt and you will feel sick also water yes its good when working out but due too you laying flat on the floor tensing and squeezing on stomach muscles you are more likely too feel that water coming right back up!! and i my friend , will not clean that mess up!


 we all no these hard buggers! but this really helps toning the belly faster the more reps the better but start of with something appropriate too higher levels of reps

30 or 40 Reps

Tips and tricks for this:

  •  Tighten those abs and clench that butt when lifting yourself up the tensing will help tighten those muscles and help get that toned belly in no time!
  • breathe in as tight as you can when lifting up till you get fully up breathe out then breathe in again and down breathe out and repeat and this i normally do  fast but with shallow breathing so im not leaving my tensed muscles throughout my sit ups  
  • you can also do this mid way as i say just to sass things up i like going mid way rather than fully so theres more intensity   too the stomach so down flat then sit up but mid way rather than going fully too your legs stop a second making sure your stomach is tensed throughout this and then down 


because 1 way of crunching wasn't enough! yaaaay! i sound evil sorry yes V crunches are fun and really help those stomach muscles, legs , butt and arms work!

30 Reps!

tips and tricks for this:

  • like ive mentioned before clench everything! especially the butt, belly and stomach for this as it helps tighten all those muscles too achieve that pull 
  • when flat breathe shallow but a good amount of air too stay in the V position for a second or two this normally helps my stomach muscles too work harder and tighten more this can be done during the end of your reps as it does take time to get use too going up touching your feet and down 
  • sass things up on this ? WHY NOT?! haha , so you can do this V crunch but touch the opposite foot each time so ... lay flat, right arm touches left leg while the body is in the same V position and the right leg is resting then the other leg ... etc etc 


planking is optional with this!
hip dips are fun but energetic! and i couldnt find the correct picture too follow the way i do this exercise so ill take you through it as a tip below! damn you google images failing me like that! sad times...
10 to 15 dips each side
tips and tricks for this:

  • As you can see on the first picture above the lady is doing a planking position i dont find planking helpful so i start with 
  1. step 1 which is the planking position then 
  2. dip  my hip down on each side like the second picture and first picture is doing so  but 
  3. if i dip too my left my right hand holds my waist or goes high up then 
  4. if i dip too my right my left hand holds my waist or goes high 
  5. make things alittle challenging then hold yourself up while your arm supports you like the second picture shows then dip  then do the same on the other side, hold , dip , plank , move!
  • tense that belly up the entire time clench your butt when dipping down and you can dip in the same place twice just too make things more intense! helping those muscles tighten more!

i really hope this post helped! thankyou for reading and please share my blog if you can so i can help someone else with any of the knowledge i have about anything!   any further help please don't hesitate too contact me! get toning!! wohoo!

Love Nay x

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