
Sunday 23 November 2014

Night routine

Why hello there... yes it has been a while since ive posted anything up  but i did not forget.... i promise... ( i actually did and im trying too cover my mistake ).... moving on!....  so its fall season!  and it is getting damn cold! so ive been very very cautious about my skin and the care/ treatment i have for it not that i didnt concentrate on it during the summer but in the winter your skin  finds it difficult taking the harsh weather and its effect on your skin can be pretty horrible ,so i was alot more focused on  my night care and how i left my skin after the entire day of wearing make up , going out in harsh cold weather etc etc... below i shall explain  what i do too maintain my spot free/ bright / clear face lets begin...

Step 1

Remove all the artificial colours ...
Not food is that what you were thinking ..nooooo ... what i meant by that was make up, so i remove all my make up mascara is hard too get  off the eyelashes so i don't know if Vaseline is  a good or healthy lubricant too remove it but it works well for me and honestly speaking its easier and efficient!
-  remove mascara with vaseline , use as much as you need then remove in circular motions with your finger while your eyelid is closed and don't scrub up or it could end up ripping your eyelashes out
- ive always used any tea tree make up wipes they  are gentle on the skin and kill any bacteria on the skin while taking your make up off , so all the mascara i took off i wipe away and the rest of my face so when i wash my face it dosent spread everywhere and the product  has more of a deeper effect

Step 2 

Wash yooo face....

The subtitle gave it away yes so first give your face a  good wash with nothing but water no product just yet ( yes thats my sexy sink below  just in case you had no idea what a sink looked like....  duhhh lol) 

Step 3

Pills and Potion  were over dosing ... joking exfoliate then cleanse  that face!!!!! 

once ive washed my face brushed my teeth , i go back and use my my clean and clear micro bead exfoliater  extremely gentle on the skin but you can still feel some texture that gets rid of anything on the skin and opens those pores making the skin feel fresh
- i put abit on my fingers and scrub in small circular motions starting from the chin and working up my face , then wash it off after 2 minutes 

Step 4

I use this regenerating  night cream right after , this helps the face maintain its brightness for the morning and helps sink in the skin throughout the night helping the skin get vitamin E and Hydra IQ 

- i use a one penny shaped amount of cream on my finger then move them in circular motions on the skin starting at the chin and working my way up 

Then hair up and off too sleep i go!
awkward hand ... but this is how the skin looks before i sleep no make up nothing just that routine you can see how clear the skin is 

the next day i wake up bright and regenerated skin that feels fresh ( that is not a spot on my face it is a scratch )

I hope this blog post helps anyone in anyway this really  helps my skin stay the clearest possible without make up cause no one likes to wear make up 24/7  so have go! and if you jut read for fun! then i hope you enjoyed this post! see you soon on the next!

Neha x

Insta - NAYJ19

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