
Tuesday 19 August 2014

Baby Steps ......

Baby Steps....... 
Hi guys! hope your well thankyou so much for your response on my first post! hope i continue to help throughout this blogging journey!

This post is about taking the first couple of steps into your fitness routine, but understanding what you want to focus on the most and how you can connect your routine together to focus on that particular place, which you can decide on that your comfortable with. Now as i  focus on my toning my stomach than following such as a toned bum so in this blog ill be focusing on mainly that if that's what your wanting to achieve but i will try my best too link it into to other body parts  as much as i can.

What is my focus on?

Choose what your main focus is going to be throughout your  workout and fitness routine as that will be your template and guide into what exercises  you'll link together. If your someone like me who works on there abs not too get the abs exactly but too be toned , muffin tops ,glutes and hamstrings then the routines ill be posting up  soon will be for you!

Once you've chose what you want to focus on .....
understanding your focus

  • It's important to remember for those that are aiming to have a well defined mid-section that two key areas will help with this. 
  • The first is your genetics - which you can't change. Basically if your parents,have given you a fat gene, you're got a harder but not impossible task ahead.
  • The second rule to getting a six-pack, which is even more important than the exercise you do, is the food you will eat - if your covering your hard work in the gym with your poor work in nutrition, then you're never going to reveal your abs. 
  •  I maintain a toned stomach so for me eating balanced food and remembering to do my exercise then have my rest period helps to maintain. ( TONING IS ONLY MAKING YOUR MUSCLES TIGHTEN NOT GETTING SIX PACKS).

Eat balanced in order to maintain!
bicep exercises

  •    Biceps exercises The most common exercises to work these muscles are various curls – these can be performed with barbells, dumbbells, or on a machine but as i do home workouts  and if you feel feel uncomfortable around people at the gym staring you out, then buy your own set of dumbbells & barbells. 
  • Although it is highly important you do not lift heavy weights straight away in a rush that the heavier the weight the faster your muscles will grow, nope not the case at all take your time or it could result in a torn muscle which is not pleasant at all.
To achieve amazing biceps, vary your reps!, your weights ! method of lifting and exercises used.Its essential that you give your muscles enough time to rest, as the rest period is where the muscles are rebuilt by your body cause of sudden exercise the acids are set off which need time to get use to if not over training can lead to muscle weakness and risk of injury.
  • Exercises to build and strengthen this area are performed either seated or standing on a custom built machine
  •  Whichever exercises you perform you should always follow the principals of good weight lifting.
As with any muscle, growth will depend upon a number of factors including the exercise you do, your diet and rest period. Calf muscles are often tight or always worked with daily life activities  e.g walking. It becomes essential that you spend time warming up and stretching these muscles prior to any weight lifting exercise.                                                                                                                                                                   Hip
                                                                                         There are numerous exercises to
  develop the hip area, including squats and lunges.
  • Its easy to warm up the muscle around the hip joint, simply walking will create a natural lubricate and heat around the joint muscles.

  • Because the muscles around this area help with other exercise movements such as Squats / Lunges etc, its worth remembering that if you intend to work these muscles hard, then you should avoid performing other lower body exercises that require the hip joint muscles for stability.
  • Simple lying leg raises, can be performed at the end of the day or your workout to help tone up this area - focus on keeping the movement smooth and under control, rather than letting gravity bring your leg back towards the ground.
 The best exercises to work your glutes include squats and lunges. Unless you are looking to increase the size of your bum , use a lower weight with high reps which will show best results.
squats are the best form of exercise in order to get a toned bum but this will also increase how fat your thighs look unless you work out for that aswell.


Hope this helped in undertanding what you want too focus on , how your going to focus on that particular place , and what it will do! 
Continue to follow my blog too see how i achieve my goals in fitness!
See you soon on my next post! 
Neha x

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